27 de July de 2023



Micro-nano bubbles (MNBs) are tiny gas bubbles with diameters in the micro and nanometer range. They have unique properties and applications that offer several advantages in various fields.

Enhanced Gas Dissolution: MNBs have a significantly higher surface area to volume ratio than conventional bubbles, leading to improved gas dissolution efficiency,  enhancing various processes such as water treatment and wastewater purification.

Enhanced Absorption: MNBs can efficiently absorb and dissolve gases, including carbon dioxide. As they absorb gases from the air, they create a vacuum effect, which can facilitate the removal of moisture from the air.

Improved Mass Transfer: MNBs enhance mass transfer rates, allowing for more efficient transfer of gases, nutrients, and other substances in liquids. This property is beneficial in applications like aeration of aquatic environments, oxygenation of aquaculture systems, and nutrient delivery in agriculture.

Water Quality Improvement: MNBs play a crucial role in enhancing water quality by facilitating the removal of impurities, pollutants, and odors from water bodies. They aid in the oxidation and breakdown of organic compounds, leading to improved water clarity and taste.

Agricultural Benefits: In agriculture, MNBs can deliver oxygen and nutrients directly to plant roots, improving soil health and enhancing crop growth. Their use in irrigation systems can boost water absorption and nutrient uptake, leading to increased crop yields.

Green Technology: MNBs offer an eco-friendly solution for water treatment and environmental remediation. They minimize the need for chemical additives and reduce energy consumption compared to traditional aeration methods.

Aquaculture Advancements: MNBs provide better oxygenation in aquaculture systems, supporting healthy fish and shrimp growth. Additionally, they can aid in the removal of harmful substances and pathogens from aquatic environments.