3 de August de 2023


The seawater crystallization process is a method of desalination, utilizing vacuum freezing to extract freshwater from seawater while removing salt and impurities. This innovative technology stands out for its energy efficiency, as it does not require high temperatures for evaporation, leading to cost savings in specific scenarios.

The process begins with the collection of seawater, abundant in salts and dissolved minerals. Subsequently, the seawater undergoes cooling and freezing in a vacuum environment. The vacuum lowers the atmospheric pressure, effectively reducing the freezing point of the water.

Under vacuum conditions, the water transforms into pure ice crystals, effectively separating the salts and impurities due to their higher molecular weight, which concentrate in the residual liquid water.

Afterward, the ice formed is separated from the concentrated wastewater, successfully removing a significant portion of the salt. The obtained ice is then thawed into fresh water. Since the ice mainly consists of pure water, the resulting melt water is notably low in salts and other impurities.

This desalination process offers a sustainable and eco-friendly solution for obtaining freshwater, addressing the growing concerns over water scarcity and providing a valuable resource for various applications, including drinking water and industrial purposes.